Women’s Guild Mission Statement:

To help our congregation in creating Christian fellowship among the women of the church, and to support the church financially through fundraiser programs.


Meetings are held every month on the first Sunday of the month after church service except for the months of July and August.  They are announced in the church bulletin also. The coffee hour is held in the Church social hall.

You can read about upcoming events, dinners and fundraisers in the church bulletin

The Women’s Guild members also help the church with all its projects during the year: fresh kolbasz, Hungarian nut rolls, monthly coffee hour, annual picnic and several dinners serverd through out the year.

Any information will be available through the church bulletin or online.


President Audrey Marciniak
Secretary Cindy Torok
Treasurer Florett Pastor

Ilona Bartus
Barbara Drotar-Bosque
Barbara Foldi
Emma Gries
Margie Gross
Margaret Kovach
Faith Longstreet
Elaine Lopazanski
Olga Olah
Janice Stanislowski